RIGHT... I have some... (this is a very very funny thread by the way!)
KNOW you're obsessed ...
* When you've brought (in the space of 2 months) TWENTY ONE PEOPLE to see the show, and have seen it EIGHT TIMES, once by yourself.
*When you MADE DAMN SURE that you got to go to simon and jons dressing room to hang out with Rod and Trekkie.
*When you got to BE ROD.that was [glow=blue,2,300]SO COOL!!![/glow]
*When you ALSO made damn sure you got a tour of the set... and know how everything works.. where all the buttons are, and you've touched KateZilla (the MASSIVE kate that cums up in the nightmare)
*When you get so excited cos you were allowed to try the purpose boxes. (THEYRE NOT EASY!)
*When the first time you saw it, you didnt have the money, but you STILL bought the soundtrack in the INTERVAL.
*When the 1st,2nd,....6th,and 8th time you saw it... you peed yourself laughing at the kickline bit in If You Were Gay (its STILL FUNNY)
*When you own...The orange book,the piano book,the soundtrack,the KAREOKE CD, the tshirt (which you've customised), the badges,the mug, but you couldnt by the underwear cos your butt's too big.
*WHEN YOU'VE MADE your own Q blazer by sticking the logo (made from bright yellow fur) on the back of a velvet "vintage" jacket.
*When you ordered the fur from EBAY just to do that.
*When whilst you were ordering you saw a bright yellow furry cushion, ordered that, and when it arrived, created the Avenue Qushion STRAIGHT AWAY. (before even going to the bathroom.)
*When you got so excited cos you bought a ticket for the Ave Q 1st Birthday drinks, only to recieve an email in the morning saying.. sorry, we've sold out... and you have to refrain from SCREAMING cos the cat's asleep.
*When you know ALLLLLLLLLLL the words to the songs, and it only took you a day to learn them.
*When you're cruising down oxford street with a "so called Q fan" *cough bestfriendZoe* and you ask her to be certain characters and she doesnt know the words properly and you scream at her saying...
YOU CALL YOURSELF A FAN??*When you do your own versions WITH PUPPETS and stick them up on youtube. (robjimbobjam has seen ALL of my vids... lol! she'll tell you what she thinks...)
*When you sent those videos to Nigel Plaskitt (the puppet coach for Q) asking him for advice and he tells you that you're fantastic and you should do more.(i was HONOURED that he said that!)
*When Jeniffer Tanarez says the same! yeee!!!!
* When you bought the puppets just because you want to be in Avenue Q SO BADLY by next year so you start practicing every single day.
*When you own 15 puppets even though there are only 10 puppets in the whole show.
*When you create your own lucy the slut. and you had to go to a SAMBA SHOP to get the right feather boa.
*When you practice your voices everyday. and get upset when you realise you're NOT A MAN therefore Trekkie's voice is just out of the question.
*When you search for a vocal coach so you can get in shape for auditions next year. even though you lead a vey busy life, and really dont have time.. but you're gonna do it anyway.
*When you walk down the street with Richie the puppet, whilst wearing the Q bag, and people run up to you saying OMG ARE YOU FROM AVENUE Q? and you're like.. no... but i wish I was..
Because you KNOW that one day... the RIGHT person will see you.
*When you turn up to Q WITH Richie , and Jon and Simon come out and the first thing they say is.. HI RICHIE!!!! and tickle his chin. (BEFORE SAYING HELLO TO ME!)
*When you've come back from Q (With Richie) and those dodgy men who sell roses start talking to him, and ignoring me totally... and then because Richie has no legs, they feel sorry for him and he gets a free White rose. And a kiss.(what is this world coming to
*When you have a 5 minute conversation with Jon and its the best 5 mins of your life, but then when he leaves for lunch, you look down and realise that your FLIES ARE UNDONE... and you call your best mate cos you're about to have a heart attack. *true story.* i couldnt breathe cos of the embarrassment. he didnt say anything but still!!!!!
*When Avenue Q London is your TOP FRIEND on Myspace.
*When SCHADENFREUDE is the ONLY german word you know. But you can spell it very easily.
*When you're writing to Jeff Marx, and you're BOTH quoting lines from the show in your emails.
*When you talk more to people from these boards than you're own friends just cos their more interesting! ;D
*When you're at stage door, chattin to Julie, and someone asks her if she's going to the pub, she says "Noo...." and you say "HAHAHA!! You said that in a Lucy Voice!!!!
*When you already KNOW what Jon's leaving present is going to be.
*When you stay up late at night trying to work out Rod's arm movement when he sings DA DA DA DA in Sucks To Be Me... i think its cos his arms are long and his hands bend upwards.
THERE! thats my list! [glow=orange,2,300]DAMN THATS LONG!!!![/glow]
Ayesha xxxxxx